How To Switch To Synthetic Oil

Choosing to switch to synthetic oil for your vehicle can be one of the best things you can do to ensure that your car runs well for a long time. You might wonder if it’s difficult to switch to synthetic oil, but it’s really quite simple, and the savings can really add up. Learning how to switch to synthetic oil is perhaps the easiest thing you can do to help your car in the long run. 

Using synthetic oil for your vehicle not only improves the performance and lifespan of the vehicle, but it also saves you both time and money with longer periods between oil changes.

NOTE: Some vehicles only use synthetic oil. Always check your vehicle’s owner’s manual to determine the acceptable motor oil types.

It is simply a myth that switching between the two types of motor oil, conventional and synthetic, is not safe for your motor, and will wear down the seals.  Newer vehicles do not have issues with switching between types, but again, it is always recommended that you check your owner’s manual FIRST.

What is conventional oil and how it works?

Cars are not dissimilar to the human body; in that the same way that our bodies have blood flowing throughout to keep our body alive, motor oil is the lifeblood of a car. 

Motor oil keeps everything running smoothly in the same way that blood delivers oxygen throughout our bodies.  The additives in all types of motor oil are designed to keep rust and corrosion out of your engine in order to keep everything operating correctly.  

Facts About Conventional Motor Oil

  1. It is extracted from crude oil (fossil fuels) in the earth.

  2. It is easier to process into conventional oil and is therefore cheaper.  However, it does not last as long as synthetic oil and requires changing every 3,000 to 5,000 miles.

It requires warmer temperatures in order to flow correctly and lubricate everything.  In colder temperatures, it takes longer to heat up and the motor may become prone to sludge from poor performance.

What Is Synthetic Oil and Why Is It Better?

It is a higher quality lubricant, containing fewer impurities than conventional motor oil. It protects your motor for longer periods of time than conventional motor oil, usually 5,000 to 10,000 miles, a savings of both time and money.

Facts About Synthetic Motor Oil

  1. Synthetic motor oil was man-made and has been refined through various laboratory experiments for quality and efficiency.

Synthetic oil is most notable during startup in cold weather.  While conventional oil is sluggish in cold weather and creates sludge in your engine, synthetic oil performs better and can even help with removing sludge buildup, which will increase your engine performance.

Synthetic motor oil is significantly more of an investment, however, you will experience the benefits immediately, as your car will perform better as soon as you switch to synthetic oil.  Not only is it an investment in your vehicle, but it is also better for the environment, as resources are not being depleted.

If cost is an issue, it is acceptable to use conventional motor oil in the months when it is warmer, and then switch to synthetic motor oil in the colder months.

For older vehicles that may not be suited to utilize synthetic motor oil, there is “high mileage” motor oil.  This type of motor oil is suited to vehicles with 75,000 miles or more that need something more than conventional motor oil.

NOTE: It is important to invest in good quality synthetic motor oil, as some of the cheaper brands can do more damage than conventional motor oil.  


It is important to use the correct synthetic motor oil when you switch.  It needs to have a current API label.  Remember to consult your owner’s manual for guidance.

The American Petroleum Institute (API) labels products according to how they meet current oil standards for vehicles.

In the same way that you want to keep your body working for a long time, it is critical to your vehicle to have regular oil changes.  Switching to synthetic fuel is like giving your car a drink from the Fountain of Youth. 

The proper practice is to switch your oil grades at your next oil change interval. If you're in a pinch and need to add oil, it is okay to mix however we recommend proceeding to an oil change as soon as practical.