Visit Us at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
We're in Hangar A
Booth #1133
Take a break from the blazing heat and low flying airshow performers to come by Hangar A at Oshkosh and see why thousands of builders trust Grypmats in their daily lives to help better keep track of their tools and prevent dents and scratches on their precious aircraft.
Some may say, staying organized is one of the hardest parts of building your aircraft. It’s no secret that the thousands of rivets, tools, and aircraft parts needed to build and maintain your airplane can make it pretty easy to get a little unorganized from time to time.
Although we both know you will never admit that to your flying buddies, wouldn’t it be nice to streamline your build and make your time in the hangar, less about finding the right tools and hardware, and more about smashing rivets and getting your airplane in the air?
Inventor, Tom Burden, of the Grypmat learned these hardships first-hand in the United States Air Force. As a young weapons mechanic from small-town Ohio he helped to keep our F-16’s in tip-top condition keeping them safe and reliable. It was during this time in the armed forces when one day Tom slipped and almost fell from the fighter during routine maintenance to catch a falling tool.
At that very moment, he just knew there had to be a better and safer way to work with tools and hardware around aircraft. After countless years of working tirelessly in his basement to develop a solution, Tom finally came up with the perfect flexible non-slip tool tray to solve every aircraft builder, maintainer, and owner’s nightmare.
After selling his house and many of his belongings to afford to take his invention to EAA AirVenture for the first time in 2015, he was finally able to share his invention with the aviation world.

Since then, the Grypmat has been featured on ABC’s Shark Tank where Tom grabbed three accomplished sharks (Sir Richard Branson, Mark Cuban, and Lori Greiner) and made a deal which allowed him to bring the Grypmat to the masses. Grypmat has always been a grassroots invention that solves your aviation maintenance hiccups. Say goodbye to muffin tins, carpet squares and dirty rags, and say hello to a reliable, flexible, simple solution to protect your prized airplane while keeping you organized in the process.